Yin (Rebirthing) Breathwork
​​Yin Breathwork, also known as Rebirthing Breathwork is a simple, powerful and transformational breathing technique that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It involves conscious connected circular breathing that aims to release repressed emotions, stress, and tension from the body.
Conscious breathing can enable us to master or at least manage more efficiently both physical and emotional pain.
What can I expect?
It’s best to go into a rebirthing session with no expectations of any particular outcome, just open to whatever you experience. No two sessions will ever be the same. Contrary to what you may see on the internet and social media, there does not need to be big fireworks, nor does there need to be an emotional release or catharsis to prove that something has happened. With some people the connection comes very easily, with others resistance comes up in the form of tetany, fear, pain, drama, trauma and escaping (sleeping or excessive talking). It’s my job to gently guide you through these sensations. Once you have breathed through all of the resistance that’s when you usually reach a very blissful state.
How it works.
The purpose of Rebirthing is not to provoke or relive birth memories. The purpose of Rebirthing is to give people the ability to do connected breathing the same way we do it in the middle of deep sleep and when we were newborns and small children. Our purpose is to learn to breathe from the breath Itself. Birth memories can happen to anyone at anytime spontaneously, regardless of whether or not we experience Rebirthing Breathwork.
The addition of sound
Sound Healing is of the “Ether” element which is Space. It clears out energy blocks and creates spaciousness, peace and equanimity. Sound Healing activates the relaxation response of the Body – Mind. It shifts us from the waking consciousness “Beta” state into more the “Theta” state of consciousness or the deep meditative state. Sound Healing also activates the parasympathetic nervous system.
I found from experiencing and facilitating rebirthing sessions that the addition of sound along side the breath work is an incredible combination. The synergy between them is extraordinary. Sound works to deepen Rebirthing sessions and enhance the “Altered State of Consciousness”. When people reach altered states, their conscious mind is more out of the way.
This creates the perfect situation for the release of blocked energy.
How to prepare for a session?
It’s encouraged to eat lightly or not at all before a session (at least no food 2 hours prior to the session). When there is space in the belly the life energy can flow more freely and you’ll be less likely to fall asleep.
How many sessions are recommended?
Leonard Orr the founder of this breathwork technique recommends ten sessions, each appointment taking unto 2 hours, ideally done once per week. Currently I am only focusing on 1:1 sessions as recommended - ensuring high quality private appointments in which the client is receiving my undivided attention. If you are interested in group sessions please contact me here.